Now I need your help.
The Digital Banking Club is delighted to announce the launch of the 2015 European Digital Financial Services Power 50, the only independent ranking of the most influential people in digital – and we’re talking mobile and online – financial services in Europe.
The 2015 listing of the important people in European digital financial services today will build on the success of last year’s inaugural Digital Banking Club European Digital Financial Services Power 50.
I want to hear your views on which individuals deserve to be recognised as the most powerful influencers and innovators.
Voting is initially open to members of The Digital Banking Club and to subscribers of Retail Banker International, Electronic Payments International and Cards International. This is your chance to have a say about who should make it on to the final list!
Public nominations will close on 23 April and will be followed by a final vote by an external judging panel including Roy Vella, Alessandro Hatami, Jerry Mulle (Intelligent Environments), Chris Skinner and Kieran Hines (Ovum).
European digital financial services movers and shakers will be fêted in the final list to be revealed on in June.
Criteria for inclusion on The European Digital Financial Services Power 50:
– The most influential thought leaders within European financial services providers;
– Regulators, consultants, analysts, innovators and influencers.
I am not seeking nominations for individuals working for payments providers (unless their work is part of a broader digital financial services offering), digital and/or mobile platform providers and back office technology suppliers.
Nor nominations for journalists or PRs, although nominations by these groups on behalf of others are welcome.
The European Digital Financial Services Rising Stars:
Everyone loves to spot the stars of the future and The European Digital Financial Services Power 50 will also list 5 Rising Stars aged 35 years or under who are changing the way their financial services firms do business.
Finally, the Power 50 will honour The Digital Banking Club Power 50 Personality of the Year to recognise outstanding service to digital financial services.
Power lists often start more arguments than they settle so let the debate begin.
Email me in confidence your nominations to