FMR had eight patents in artificial intelligence during Q2 2024. FMR LLC filed patents in Q2 2024 for methods and apparatuses related to recommending electronic documents during customer-agent calls, predicting user attributes with uncertainty estimate modeling, predicting compliance of text documents with rulesets using self-supervised machine learning, and generating customized visual artifacts using artificial intelligence for communication sessions. GlobalData’s report on FMR gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

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FMR had no grants in artificial intelligence as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Intelligent voice assistant (Patent ID: US20240212684A1)

The patent filed by FMR LLC describes a computer-implemented method and system for recommending relevant electronic documents to support a call between a customer and an agent. The method involves converting speech to text in real-time, identifying key words, converting them to phoneme sequences, determining probable business categories associated with the phoneme sequences, detecting similar sections in relevant documents, ranking the documents based on relevance, and presenting them to the agent during the call. The system includes modules for speech transcription, batching, phoneme conversion, domain detection, similarity detection, and a user interface to display relevant information to the agent during the call.

The method and system utilize advanced technologies such as trained transformer models, neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and Siamese bidirectional long short term memory (LSTM) network models to efficiently convert speech to text, identify business categories, and detect similarities in documents. The user interface provides real-time chat transcription, domain identification, and top results displaying links to pertinent documents ranked by relevance. The system is designed to update information on the user interface as the call progresses, ensuring that the agent has access to the most relevant information to support the conversation with the customer.

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