Turns out, nothing much, in my humble opinion. It is an app through which you can ring the bank’s call centre and while waiting in the queue, you can try and resolve the issue yourself through a series of questions, on your phone screen, without having to speak to an operative. If you cannot resolve the issue then you’ve wasted no time and have since moved up the queue.
The idea is to encourage people to use web services, presumably all of the actions will be go to the website and do such and such. If people can’t already use navigation tools on a website, how will it be different if their smartphone tells them to go and do so? It’s no different to typing into Google ‘how do you do such and such’- there are those that do and those that don’t and a smartphone phone app directing them back to the very channel from whence they ran isn’t going to convince them to give it another go.
Besides, how many people who don’t like to root around websites for answers to their problems even have a smartphone in the first place? And those intent on speaking to someone will remain intent on speaking to someone and will have issues that no app’s algorithm is going to anticipate, let alone suggest a fix for.
For this to be any good, the flow chart algorithm will have to be sophisticated to a degree as yet unseen in customer services, we’re talking about something with intuition. Otherwise it’s just like all the other rubbish customer service apps and option lists that never get to the root of the problem. And of the problems related to web software not working, what then?