Morgan Stanley has filed a patent for computer systems and methods that enhance user support and quickly resolve configuration issues on firm platforms. The system utilizes automated tools to query real-time data from selected platforms, providing an up-to-date view of user data and configurations. GlobalData’s report on Morgan Stanley gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

According to GlobalData’s company profile on Morgan Stanley, Retail trading platforms was a key innovation area identified from patents. Morgan Stanley's grant share as of January 2024 was 91%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Computer system for checking status of firm computer platforms

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: Morgan Stanley

A computer system for monitoring the status of a firm's computer platforms has been detailed in a patent application (Publication Number: US20230370443A1). The system includes an on-premises computer platform, an external computer platform, and a diagnostic computer system with processing cores and a web server. The processing cores check the status of both platforms based on parameters provided by an operator through webpages. The system uses different system accounts for authenticating with each platform to collect status data, ensuring secure access.

Furthermore, the patent application describes a method for checking the status of the computer platforms, involving interactions between operators, web servers, and diagnostic modules for the on-premises and external platforms. Authentication credentials are securely handled, and data exchange formats are generated for efficient processing. The method is particularly useful for monitoring on-premises email platforms and cloud-based platforms, such as conferencing platforms, providing a comprehensive solution for firms to ensure the smooth operation of their computer systems.

To know more about GlobalData’s detailed insights on Morgan Stanley, buy the report here.

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GlobalData Patent Analytics tracks bibliographic data, legal events data, point in time patent ownerships, and backward and forward citations from global patenting offices. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies across the world’s largest industries.