State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance had one patents in edtech during Q2 2024. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co has filed a patent for a virtual environment with procedurally generated virtual properties that vary based on a rule set. Users are provided with virtual tools to identify risks associated with these properties. GlobalData’s report on State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance had no grants in edtech as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Adjustable virtual scenario-based training environment (Patent ID: US20240144627A1)

The patent filed by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. describes a computer-implemented method and system for generating a virtual environment with procedurally generated virtual properties. These virtual properties are navigable on multiple electronic devices during a training exercise. The features of the virtual property are generated based on risk relevancy data, and users can interact with the environment to identify risks associated with the virtual property. The system allows for real-time communication between users on different devices and provides feedback on the validity of risk associations made within the virtual environment.

The method and system outlined in the patent claims involve modifying the virtual environment based on user input to enhance training exercises. The validity of risk associations is determined through user interactions on different electronic devices, with visual overlays indicating the validity of these associations. The technology enables the creation of multiple virtual properties with varying risks, features, and indications, providing a comprehensive training environment for users. Additionally, the patent includes provisions for real-time bidirectional communication between users and the ability to generate composite scores representing the validity of risk associations. Overall, the patent aims to leverage virtual environments to enhance user training and risk assessment processes in a dynamic and interactive manner.

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