State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance had two patents in edtech during Q1 2024. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co has filed a patent for a virtual environment with procedurally generated landscapes, including natural terrain, infrastructure, and properties. Users can assess risk factors for properties within the virtual landscape using virtual tools. GlobalData’s report on State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance grant share with edtech as a theme is 50% in Q1 2024. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: Virtual multi-property training environment (Patent ID: US20240087467A1)

The patent filed by State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. describes a system and method for providing a virtual environment with procedurally generated virtual landscapes that include various components like natural elements, infrastructural elements, and properties. Users can interact with the virtual environment to identify aspects of the landscape that affect risk to properties within it. The system involves generating performance data based on user interactions, creating new virtual landscapes based on this data and user interactions, and incorporating visual overlays to indicate performance scores.

The system allows for the modification of virtual landscapes based on user interactions, performance data, and predefined rules to represent different aspects affecting risk to properties. Users can interact within the virtual environment to identify hazardous materials, aspects affecting insurability, or other unrelated aspects. The patent also covers the generation of visual overlays, the use of avatars to represent users, and the determination of landscape components based on user interactions and performance data. Overall, the invention aims to provide a unique and interactive virtual environment for assessing risks to properties based on procedurally generated landscapes and user interactions.

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