AfrAsia Bank’s campaign, dubbed The Believers, anchored on the bank’s Bank Different philosophy and values. In summary, the campaign highlights a belief in a better tomorrow and a positive outlook to fight back and build back better once the worst of the pandemic is over, writes Douglas Blakey
The Believers campaign from Mauritius’ AfrAsia Bank is just one of the best bank ad campaigns running during the pandemic, proving that successful bank marketing has not stopped during the crisis.
It is a simple campaign in theory but harder to execute in practice: believe in the authenticity of local talents and in the passion of your community. And then help them to rebuild their businesses post Covid but help them in different ways.
The AfrAsia Bank ‘The Believers’ ad campaign is a hit and one of the best bank marketing campaigns utilising traditional and social media of the past year.
Meantime, in the US, Eastern Bank began work on a campaign focused on addressing Boston’s ever-widening racial wealth gap by working with Black and Latinx entrepreneurs to come up with action-based solutions.
In March 2020, Covid-19 devastated Boston’s economy, making the already visible wealth gap even more apparent. So in June, Eastern Bank launched its Color & Capital For Good campaign and on 22 June held the Color & Capital For Good virtual town hall dedicated to closing Boston’s racial wealth gap.
Since then, the campaign has ramped up efforts to highlight the bank’s drive to ensure no family, business, or community is left behind.
Another regional US lender, Country Bank, sought to stand out from what it calls the ‘big, impersonal financial giants’. Its campaign message is bank with your neighbours who share your values. So it brought local values to life, using real customers doing honest work and helping them celebrate the people they know and the dreams they support.
Bank of Guam has used a series of YouTube videos presented by employees entitled Stop Covid, Spread Love. The videos highlight bank employees discussing their Covid journey and encourage all customers to join the fight against the virus.
Erste Bank has previous for producing some of the best ads of any bank, anywhere. Its 2020 Christmas ad is one of its best yet.
Erste has established itself as one of the most successful brands worldwide when it comes to making Christmas adverts, with its viral holiday ads having generated over 180 million view. The Christmas 2020 effort ranks among its best to date.