Scotiabank has partnered with Bank of Beijing to assist Chinese immigrants, international students and foreign workers to begin financial transition before moving to Canada.

Under the deal, Chinese immigrants visiting Canada can open a bank account and apply for a credit card with Scotiabank through around 20 participating Bank of Beijing locations in China.

After arriving in Canada, customers can visit their local Scotiabank branch to receive credit cards and get their accounts activated.

Customers can also avail other benefits under the Scotiabank StartRight Program that is designed for newcomers to Canada.

Scotiabank multicultural banking Asian markets director, Albrey Yeung, said working in countries around the world has given them a strong understanding of the important decisions that are involved in moving to a new country.

"One of the top priorities for newcomers arriving in Canada is to find a financial institution. Through our new partnership with Bank of Beijing, we are able to give immigrants, foreign workers and international students a head start on this process by helping them establish a Canadian banking relationship before they arrive," Yeung added.