
Why Your Holding Company Name Matters: Impact on Branding & Recognition

The name you choose for your holding company will be the face of your company. Therefore, you should address it with the same seriousness and structure that you put into building the rest of the company. Luckily, there are plenty of tips to help the process along.

When you’re building a holding company, there’s a lot of structural and management concerns that you are probably focused on. But you also need to be focused on naming your holding company properly. It does have an impact on your business now and in the future. If you’re looking for some tips on the subject, you’re in the right place.

The name you choose should be descriptive of your work, activities, and values. It should also be creative and memorable. You want your name to be catchy and meaningful. There are a lot of criteria but if you put time and effort into it, it is achievable.

Gather inspiration

The first thing you need to do is open your eyes and ears and gather inspiration. Think of all the places where you could potentially get inspired. Think of the companies you look up to and investigate their names. What’s working for them? Also, look into your competition. In general, it’s a good idea to check out other companies’ names. There’s a lot to learn from this process and hopefully, you’ll get some good ideas for names.

Make sure the domain name is available

A very important thing is to make sure your name is available. And not just the name itself, but also a good domain name. The domain name is very important, and it must be simple and straightforward. Look into finding a good domain name.

There are several places you can look for help when searching for a great domain name. One of them is, which is an online platform, built by branding experts and designers, that can help you track down the right name for your business. They offer the opportunity to speak to a branding consultant for free, if you can’t find the perfect name. They’ll work with you to understand your requirements and reach out to their network to find you available name options. It’s a great place to look for help if you don’t know how to move further on in the naming process.

Make sure it’s marketable and legal

When you’ve made sure your name is flexible and available, you have to make sure it’s also marketable and legal. A marketable name is short, easy to remember and spell and most importantly it leaves a strong impression. Make sure it doesn’t have bad associations of some kind. An easy way to test this is to ask a diverse group of people.

The legality of the name concerns available trademarks and patents associated with the name. It can save you a lot of money and time to make sure that the name does not in some way belong to someone else.

These are just some of the things to remember when naming your holding business. It’s a bit of a jungle but it’s important to try to find your way around the pitfalls and choose the right name. Consider checking out the range of stuff you should try to avoid when naming a business.